
Facebook Ads Manager Important Terms

It a compilation table for facebook and social media advertisement.

A/B testA randomized experiment where you choose a
variable and select two variations of that variable to
Account spending limitControls your total ad costs by pausing your ads
when the limit is reached. Your ads will stay paused
until you change this limit.
Ad auctionFacebook uses an ad auction to determine the
best ad to show to a person at a given point in
time. The winning ad maximizes value for both
people and businesses.
Ad levelThe third level of a campaign structure where you
define your creative, or what appears in your ads:
photos, videos, copy, links and more.
Ad placementsWhere your ads will appear.
AdsThe media you create for your audience. When you
create a Facebook ad, you’ll choose its creative
media (images or videos), text, links and
call-to-action button.
Ad set levelThe second level of a campaign structure where you
choose your audiences, your ad schedule, where
your ads appear and how much you’ll pay.
Ads ManagerA tool designed to give you full control of the types
of ads you run, their format and the audiences they
reach. Additionally, it allows for more granular
settings for scheduling and budgeting. The Ads
Manager interface is connected to your Facebook
Amount spentThe estimated total you’ve spent on your campaign,
ad set or ad during its schedule. This number should
always be less than your budget.
Audience NetworkA tool you can use to extend your Facebook and
Instagram campaigns to thousands of other apps.
Audience Network ads use the same targeting,
auction, delivery and measurement systems as
Facebook ads.
Audience sizeIndicates whether your audience may be too broad
or too specific. Ideally, your audience should be
defined, meaning it’s specific enough to reach the
people most likely to be interested in your ad and
not so specific that your audience is difficult to
Automatic paymentsAdvertisers will be automatically charged whenever
they spend a certain amount. If you’re using PayPal,
a credit card or a debit card to purchase ads, this is
usually how you’ll pay.
Automatic placements (Ads
Your ad will run on all the Facebook platforms.
Facebook will allocate your budget across multiple
platforms. Automatic placements are typically the
most efficient use of a budget because they provide
Facebook with the flexibility to get the best results.
AwarenessObjectives that generate interest in your business,
product or service.
Banner, interstitial and native
Audience Network ad placement
Your ads appear in apps in the Audience Network.
Audience Network supports banner ads, interstitial
ads and native ads.
BidA bid represents what you’re willing to pay to
achieve your desired result from someone in your
target audience.
Bid strategyBid strategies are Facebook’s overall approach to
spending budget and getting results. Your bid
strategy choice tells Facebook how to bid for you
in ad auctions.
Billing thresholdThe amount you need to spend on your ads to be
automatically charged. You will be charged each
time you hit your billing threshold and again on your
monthly bill date for any leftover charges.
BudgetThe maximum amount you’re willing to spend on a
campaign on average each day or over the lifetime
of your scheduled ads.
Call-to-action button (CTA)A way to get people who see your ad to take an
action, such as book appointments, contact your
business directly, download an app or buy
CampaignA series of ad sets and ads that aim to accomplish a
single objective, such as generating leads or
increasing the number of app installs.
Campaign budget optimizationSet one central campaign budget to optimize and
continuously distribute budget to the top
performing ad sets in real-time.
Campaign levelThe first level of a campaign structure. Here you
choose an objective for your ad, or what you want
your ad to accomplish.
Campaign objectiveWhich results matter to you. The correct objective
will help Facebook better understand the results
that you want to see and help you get the most out
of your investment.
Campaign structureAds created in Facebook Ads Manager have three
levels: campaign, ad sets, ads. This is known as the
campaign structure.
Carousel adTwo or more images and videos, headlines, links or
calls-to-action in a single ad.
Collection adCollection ads pair an image, video or slideshow
with product images taken from your catalog to
create a single experience.
Confidence levelA number that represents how likely it is that
Facebook would get the same results if you ran the
A/B test again.
ConsiderationObjectives that encourage people to learn more
about what your business offers.
ConversionObjectives that encourage people who are
interested in your business to purchase or use your
product or service.
CopyThe text that you include around the image, video or
other creative asset that you use in your ad. Your
image or video may be what first attracts attention,
but your ad copy can clarify your message and any
actions that you want people to take.
Core AudienceA created audience specified by location,
demographics, interests and behaviors. Your ad will
appear to people who match those characteristics.
The default selection in Ads Manager.
Cost per resultIndicates how cost efficiently you achieved the
objectives that you set in your ad campaign. It is the
ratio of total amount spent to number of results.
Custom AudienceLets you find people on Facebook who are already
aware of your business. An audience that lets you
show ads to people who may already interact with
your business. Maybe they’ve reacted to your
Facebook Page posts, purchased products on your
website, downloaded your app or visited your shop.
Custom ConversionsAllow you to segment your event information based
on values, event types, custom information fields
and other characteristics for more detailed
reporting in Ads Manager. The most common
custom conversion is a URL-based custom
conversion. This means that you can create a
custom conversion that tracks people who visit a
specific page on your website.
Customer filesFiles from your Customer Relationship Management
(CRM) or Point of Sales (POS) systems, email
address lists or other sources of customer
Custom eventsActions that fall outside those covered by
Facebook’s standard events. You can create and
capture custom events by adding them to the
website code, just like standard events. Custom
events can be named anything other than standard
event names.
Daily budgetThe average amount that you’re willing to spend on
an ad set or campaign each day. A daily budget is
the default selection.
Daily reach estimateThe number of people that Facebook estimates
you’ll reach in your audience, based on factors such
as your bid and budget. The higher your budget, the
higher your potential reach. Daily reach is different
from potential reach, which estimates how many
people you could reach based on factors such as
audience and placement.
Daily results estimateThis estimate is based on your campaign objective.
For example, if your objective is Conversions,
Facebook will estimate the number of conversions
you can achieve based on your campaign
performance and estimated daily reach. You’ll also
see conversions listed below reach.
DeliveryThe current status of your campaign, ad set or ad
delivery, depending on the tab you’ve selected.
Edit placements (Ads Manager)Choose where your ad will appear on Facebook,
Instagram, Messenger or WhatsApp, or any
EndsThe date that your campaign is scheduled to stop
running. For example, if you set an end date when
you scheduled your ad set, this column would
display that date. If you did not choose an end date,
this column would say Ongoing.
ErrorsA summary of errors, if any, that you can fix.
Events receivedThe total number of events your pixel received.
Facebook PageA business’s digital presence on Facebook. A Page
has tools to help you grow your business, connect
with customers and see how people interact with it.
Facebook engagementReach people who have interacted with your Page,
videos, lead ads and fullscreen experiences on
Facebook News Feed ad
Your ads appear in the desktop News Feed or the
mobile News Feed.
Facebook Right Column ad
Your ads appear in the right column across
Facebook. Right column ads only appear to people
browsing Facebook on their computer.
HashingInformation that you share with Facebook that is
turned into short fingerprints that are impossible to
reverse. When you share your customer list, it’s
hashed locally in your browser before it’s uploaded
to Facebook. In addition to information that you
provide, Facebook can also hash pixel, SDK, CRM or
transaction activity to match against a potential
audience in their system.
ImpressionsThe number of times your ads were on screen.
Instagram business accountAllows you to better connect with customers. With a
business account, you can add contact information,
promote your products or services, gain insights
into how people interact with your photos and
videos and create ads for the Instagram community.
Instagram business accounts are always public.
Instagram Feed ad placementYour ads appear in the desktop feed and the mobile
Instagram Stories ad placementYour ads appear to people browsing stories on
Instant Articles Facebook ad
Your ads appear in Instant Articles within the
Facebook mobile app and Messenger.
Instant ExperienceA fullscreen landing page that’s designed in Ads
Manager to showcase products or highlight a brand
on mobile.
In-stream video
Audience Network ad placement
Your ads appear as short videos that run before,
during or after video content (pre-roll, mid-roll,
post-roll) in a video player on a website.
In-stream video Facebook ad
Your ads appear as short videos in both Facebook
Live video and Video on Demand on Facebook.
Landing pagesThe web pages that people are redirected to when
they click on your ad. Any landing page must clearly
represent the company, product, service or brand
that’s being advertised.
Lifetime budgetA specified amount that you’re willing to spend over
the entire runtime of your ad set or campaign. You
won’t be charged more than your lifetime budget for
your ad set’s results.
Lookalike AudienceNew people who are likely to be interested in your
business because they’re similar to your best
existing customers. Facebook will identify the
common qualities of your existing customers
(demographic information or interests) and find
similar people. You can use multiple Lookalike
Audiences at the same time for a single ad set.
Lowest costFacebook’s most flexible bid strategy type that
offers the most scale. This strategy will always bid
the amount to minimize your cost per result while
maintaining your budget. This allows Facebook to
get the most results for your budget, even as costs
may rise through the duration of the campaign.
Manual paymentsYou’ll add money to your account before your ads
run, then money will be deducted from that amount
up to once a day as your ads run. With manual
payments, you won’t have a billing threshold.
Marketplace Facebook ad
Your ads appear on the Marketplace home page or
when someone browses Marketplace in the
Facebook app on their phone.
Messenger Inbox ad placementYour ads appear in the Home tab of Messenger
Messenger Stories ad placementYour ads appear in people’s stories in Messenger.
Mobile app activityUse Facebook ads to engage with people based on
their interactions with your apps.
NameThe name you gave your campaign, ad set or ad.
Organic reach/contentA free way for your business to connect with people,
such as through a Facebook post your followers see
and like. You create a post and it spreads naturally
(or organically) from people who engage with your
content to their friends and so on, without you
paying for it.
Paid reach/contentAdvertising on Facebook to expand your audience
and help grow your business beyond those who
have liked or followed your Page. With any sort of
budget, you may turn organic content into paid
content through boosted posts or other types of
Page promotions.
PixelA few lines of code from Facebook that you copy
into the header section of your website. This code
allows the pixel to receive information about the
actions taken on your site to make your Facebook
ads more relevant to your audience. You can use a
pixel to capture specific events or actions that
happen on your website as a result of Facebook ads
or organic reach.
Placement (Ads Manager)Where your ads will appear.
Potential reachAn estimate of how many people are in an ad set’s
audience. This estimate updates as you make
selections for your ad set. This information can help
you understand how your audience and placement
choices may affect the number of people you could
ReachAn estimate of the number of people who saw your
ads at least once.
ResultsThe number of times that your ad achieved an
outcome, based on the objective and settings that
you selected.
Rewarded video
Audience Network ad placement
Your ads appear as videos that people can watch in
exchange for a reward in an app (such as in-app
currency or items).
Single image adA stand-alone image that appears on your ad. Use
single images to offer a clean, simple format that
features engaging imagery and text surrounding the
Slideshow adAnimated ads that play like a video. You can use
3-10 images, videos, text and sound in your
slideshow. You can add music, change how long
images stay on the screen or even add a fade effect
between pictures.
Source audienceA Custom Audience created with your pixel
information, your mobile app information or fans of
your Facebook Page.
Sponsored messages ad
Your ads appear as messages delivered directly to
people who have existing conversations with you in
Standard eventsActions that Facebook recognizes and supports
across ad products, such as: complete registration,
search and add to wishlist. You can use events to
capture conversions, optimize for conversions and
build audiences if you add the appropriate code to
your website.
Stock imagesFacebook offers free high-quality images that you
can use when you create your ads if you don’t have
images or videos of your own.
StoriesFullscreen mobile photos and videos that you can
create and share as they happen. The photos and
videos you add will be visible for 24 hours, so they
often spark spontaneous and quick conversations.
Stories Facebook ad placementYour ads appear to people browsing stories on
Facebook and Instagram.
ToggleThe switch that turns your campaign, ad set or ad
on or off.
Video adA way to show off your product, service or business
through moving visuals and sound.
Website activityReach existing customers and other people who
have shown an interest in your business by visiting
your website.
Winning ad setThe ad set that performed the best in an A/B test.
Facebook determines the winning ad set by
comparing the cost per result of each ad set or ad
based on your campaign objective. Based on the
information from your test, Facebook simulates the
performance of each variable tens of thousands of
times to determine how often the winning outcome
would have won.