
Overview of Available Campaign Objectives

Your campaign objective describes what you want people to do when they see your ads. For example, if you want to show your website to people interested in your business, you can create ads that encourage people to visit your website.  If you want to encourage people to buy things directly, you can do that too. Selecting a campaign objective is one of the first things you do when you create an ad campaign. 

Awareness Objectives

Awareness objectives are objectives that generate interest in your product or service. Increasing brand awareness is about telling people what makes your business valuable. Awareness objectives encompass both the Brand Awareness and Reach campaign objectives. 

ObjectiveWhat This Objective Can Help You AchieveHow the Campaign’s Success is MeasuredExample of a Campaign You’d Select This Objective ForPlatforms You Can Run a Campaign With This Objective On
Brand AwarenessIncrease people’s awareness of your business, brand or service.The success of a Brand Awareness Campaign is measured via the estimated ad recall lift metric, which shows how many people we estimate would remember your ad if we asked them within two days.Club Soda is an artisanal carbonated beverage company that is well-known in the beverage industry. It wants to share its new, exclusive flavor so people keep it top of mind when they go to the grocery store. Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Audience Network
ReachMaximize the number of people who see your ads and control how often they see them.The success of a reach campaign is measured via the reach metric, which shows the total number of people who see your impressions. Spruce manufactures soap dispensers that can be reused as home decor. Spruce’s goal is to expose as many people as possible to its line of products and share a little  about the products’ eco–friendly benefits.Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Audience Network

Consideration Objectives

Consideration objectives are objectives that get people to think about your business and seek more information on it. Consideration objectives encompass the Traffic, Engagement, App Installs, Video Views, Lead Generation, and Messages campaign objectives. 

ObjectiveWhat This Objective Can Help You AchieveHow the Campaign’s Success is MeasuredExample of a Campaign You’d Select This Objective ForPlatforms You Can Run a Campaign With This Objective On
TrafficSend people fromFacebook to any URL you choose, such as your website’s landing page, a blog post or app.The success of a Traffic Campaign is measured via the Landing page visits, which shows the number of times people followed your ad to your desired URL.Zoomture, a budget travel website and app, has recently redesigned its website. The goal is to encourage people who signed up for the newsletter to click to the website and see the new online experience. The Facebook pixel isn’t installed yet, but the plan is to implement it next month.Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Audience Network – We recommend using the Facebook pixel to help you optimize your Traffic Campaigns. 
EngagementGet people to engage with your Page (Page Likes), engage with your post (Post Engagement), or respond to your event (Event Responses).The success of an Engagement Campaign is measured via Post engagement, which shows the number of people reacting to, commenting on or sharing the ad, claiming an offer, viewing a photo or video, or clicking on a link, and Page likes and event responses for Facebook items.Lucky Shrub, a chain of plant nurseries, will soon host plant potting demonstrations at various locations.The company created a Facebook event for each location. It wants to share details about the events and collect responses from people interested in attending.Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Audience Network
App InstallsSend people to their relevant app store to download your appThe success of an App Installation campaign is measured via the App Installations metric, which shows the number of people who followed your link to download the app. Joystick Studios has just launched a new gaming app, available on mobile devices. The company wants the campaign to reach people who are interested in gaming and more likely to download the app.Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Audience Network Note: Deep linking allows you to lead people to a specified destination of your mobile app once they click your ad, if they have your app installed. With the App Installs objective, you will want to use“deferred” deep linking because people have NOT yet installed your app. This will defer a person to the app store first, and then once installed, they will be brought to the specific destination. If you’re only directing your ads to people who’ve already installed your app, you don’t need to add deferred deep linking.
Video ViewsHave people watch your video.The success of a video views campaign is measured via video view metrics, which can be found in more detail here.  The automotive company, Endo Moto, is preparing to release its new line of cars. To generate interest in their new models, they’ve producedShort, high–quality videos of each vehicle in action. The goal is for people to watch their entire video and feel inspired to seek more information about their new vehicles.Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network
LeadGenerationCollect leads for your business.The success of a lead generation campaign is measured via the leads, which shows the amount of contact information your campaign has collected. Pacific Moon University wants to find potential new students to enroll for the fall semester. To entice new students, the university shares upcoming lecturers and newly added classes in a weekly email newsletter. It wants to encourage people to sign up to receive the newsletter.Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Audience Network Note: After clicking your lead ad, customers will see a form that’s already filled out with information they’ve shared with Facebook, like their name, phone number or email. The form is mobile–friendly and designed to minimize typing.
MessagesStart and/or renew conversation with your customers inMessenger.The success of a messages campaign is measured via multiple metrics which depend on your specific business goal, which can be found in more detail here.The fashion retailer, Wind and Wool, wants to reach people who have previously shown interest in the brand. The company wants to reconnect with people who have asked questions about products via Messenger. The goal is for people to learn more about the merchandise the company offers.Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network Note: There are three types of Message ads you can create: Ads that link to Messenger; Ads that link toWhatsApp; Sponsored Messages, which let you send messages directly to people who’ve already engaged with your business in Messenger.

Conversion Objectives

Conversion objectives are objectives that encourage people interested in your business to buy or use your product or service. Conversion objectives encompass the Conversions, Catalog Sales, and Store Traffic campaign objectives.

ObjectiveWhat This Objective Can Help You AchieveHow the Campaign’s Success is MeasuredExample of a Campaign You’d Select This Objective ForPlatforms You Can Run a Campaign With This Objective On
ConversionsPrompt valuable actions on your website, in your app, or in Messenger, or WhatsAppThe success of a conversion campaign is measured via the rate and number of conversions, or how many people who see your ad take the desired action. More conversion metrics can be found here.Mangata and Gallo is a well–established online jewelry retailer with a large customer base. The company’s goal is to increase sales of its new diamond ring.Using the Facebook pixel, the company wants to reach people who have placed the ring in their cart on their website, but have not completed the purchase. The goal is to turn potential purchases of the ring into real sales.Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Audience Network Note: To run a conversion campaign, it’s required for you to have Facebook pixel for websites or App Events for apps.
Catalog SalesReach your target audience with relevant products from your online catalog in an automated way. This objective is powered by dynamic ads.The success of a catalog sales campaign is measured via theMultiple metrics, which can be found here.Feroldi’s sells a wide variety of beauty products from its online website. The goal is to increase average  purchase value, so the company wants to retarget past customers with products similar to what they’ve purchased in the past. The company wants to leverage the hundreds of products it offers, the insights received from its pixel and the power of dynamic ads to avoid the heavy lift of setting up retargeting campaigns manually.Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Audience Network Note: While setting up your campaigns, you have the option to retarget your website/app visitors or expand your campaign to broad audiences. Also, to run a catalog sales campaign, it’s required for you to have Facebook pixel for websites or App Events for apps.
Store TrafficSend foot traffic to your physical stores.The success of a store traffic campaign is measured via the store visits metric, more information on which can be found herePatty Stack, a chain of fast food restaurants, wants to generate in–store sales. The company wants to build a campaign to feature its best selling hamburgers and entice people to visit a nearby restaurant.Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Audience Network Note: This objective also lets you direct your ads to people within a set distance of one or many of your store locations with ads designed to help people navigate to or contact the location closest to them. If you only want to increase foot traffic to one store rather than to multiple stores, choose the Reach marketing objective instead.